This is an ugly little Character and simple Rig I made last night which you can play around with :) I call the character "O.S.C.A.R" - it stands for Open Source Character And Rig. Cheesy, eh? Mesh and Rig on layer 1. Bone shapes on layer 2. The Materials are crap so I'd advise changing them ******************** CONTROLS: ******************************************************* "OSCAR skel": Bones are on two layers accesible by pressing "SHIFT"+ "M". (The main control bones are on layer 1) The Fingers are controlled as follows: Rotate (R) Key to open close/move fingers. Simple! The Thumbs are controlled as follows: Scale (S) Key to open/close fingers using "thumb_CNTR_L", "thumb_CNTRL_L". Rotate (R) key to rotate the thumb using "thumb-CNTRL_L", "thumb-CNTRL_L". Use "hand-CNTRL_L", "hand-CNTRL_R" to move the hands using Inverse kinematics (IK). Use "FootCNTRL_L", "FootCNTRL_L" to move feet. Use "toe-ROT_R", "toe-ROT_L" to move character on tip-toe. Use "toe_R", "toe_L" to move toes. The feet have a Floor Constraint applied, so they won't go below the ground plane. The "torso_CNTRL" bone controls the upper body. The "eye_CNTRL" bone controls where the eye movement. The "mouth-lwr" bone controls opening/closing of mouth. The "penis_CNTRL" bone controls the penis (unsurprisingly) The "root" bone controls the overall armature in pose mode. ********************************************************* "face_CNTRL": I quickly added a few shape key controls. You can recognise the controls by the square, circle and triangle bones with the arrows pointing downwards from them. Move these shapes downwards to see how they affect OSCaR's face. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I hope you have some fun playing with OSCAR! Copyright (c) 2007 Shane Sheils @ Dwarfed Films, Ireland You are free to use this Character and Rig for commercial, personnal or learning use. The only stipulation is that you cannot sell the OSCAR Mesh model or derivatives therof or include it in any model collection which is being sold. Don't be a scumbag cheating thief - The OSCAR mesh and rig is free for everyones use and must stay so! This txt file must be included with all versions of the OSCAR .blend file Please Visit Dwarfed Films I welcome comments! Get BLENDER ******************************************************